
Employee Types

Following are the default employee types, which is created by admin

  • Agency
  • Contract Employee
  • Salaried Employee

If you need to create another employee types, then

1. Go to Employee > Employee Type
2. Click on "+Employee Type" button.
3. Enter the name of the employee type in Name field.
4. Click on "Save" button.

Create or Edit an Employee/Agency

To create an employee/agency -

1. Go to Employee > Employee
2. Click on "+Employee" button.
3. Enter name and other details.
4.0 Click on “Save”.

'Name' and 'Employee Type' are necessary fields to create an employee/agency.

For "Agency" or "Contract Employee", if you enter workstep, then it is necessary to add rate for the workstep.

To edit details of an employee -

1. Go to Employee > Employee
2. Click on pencil before the employee name.
3. Edit the details.
4. Click on "Save".

Employee Payment History

To see employee payment history -

1. Go to Employee > Employee
2. Click on pencil before the employee name.
3. At the end of the page, there is a "Payment" region.
4. It shows the payment history. ​

Employee Assigned Tasks and Pending Balance

To see assigned tasks and pending balance for 'Agency' or 'Contract' employee -

1. Go to Purchase > Payment
2. Click on "+Payment to Agency" button.
3. Select the employee name from Employee list.
4. Select the From Date and To Date values if you wish to see the pending balanace for selected period of time.
5. Click on "Search" button.
6. In the new region, all the details about assigned task and pending balance is shown.
7. Select the checkbox before the assigned task to make payment and select the Payment Type.
8. Click on "Save" button.
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